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Another great couple of weeks saw another cohort of Security Officers put through their paces with D13 Clinical Skills Specialist roles. Concurrent activity with an first aid audit , enhancing the capability and intent of security medics, supporting PALs and Martyns Law, delivery of bespoke FAST Aid Med kits - duel role single solution systems aligned to the Strategic Threat and Risk Assessments to the venues they safeguard - and maintaining CPD supporting Police firearms tactical units. Brilliant effort Team Turret


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Back in the office again. This is what we do…..Another round of PHTC courses ahead starting at Kings Cross and St Pancras London. Looking forward to developing and teaching this new cohort of Security Professionals with a challenging QNUK FPOSi 4 day course. Next week sees the OSPAs as Turret Training has been shortlisted in partnership with Bidvest Noonan with a superb training initiative that sees supporting Security medics with critical incident Trauma debriefs if they face challenging incidents. We don’t just train them we look after them! Following this will be a series of refresher training courses to further develop and enhance Security medics with my team working weekends!!!!

Simple things done well save lives.

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A First aid kit should have a dual role single solution capability. Interlinked around scenario and attack specific analysis and linked to a current Strategic Threat and Risk Assessment (STRA). The layout and accessibility of the contents are critical.

The layout and contents of FAST Aid kits support administering First aid in “Generic” environments and managing polytraumatically injured casualties in suboptimal unsupported conditions known as a Therapeutic vacuum. Such incidents require fast decisions when assessing time critical injuries aside from managing the myriad of external threats. And are often gross motor in orientation with fine complex skills in completion. So time wasted on opening and searching for the right tool for the right injury is time lost on the casualty.

Bespoke First Aid and Specialist Trauma aid kits, supplied and built by Turret Training stack beyond PATKs . With considerable research , development and experience spanning over 2 decades for UK Police firearms operations and training , these FAST Aid kits are lawfully, medically and tactically proven.

If you’re interested in the provision of First Aid & Specialist Trauma kits and would like a chat about such provision please contact

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